I am a transdisciplinary storyteller, an ecosystems investigator, and a movement practitioner. My writing, research, and performances traverse the fields of environmental humanities, decolonial nature conservation, contemporary art, and performativity. I strive to support the livelihoods of the local communities, water, and lands where I roam, learn, and play. Collaboration as a radical position is central to all that I do. Current projects include co-writing a book on cancer ecologies, advancing peatland protection through the staging of a global accord, and practicing Delicious Movement. At present I am Curator of New Perspectives at Para La Naturaleza.
In 2010, I founded Ensayos in partnership with the Wildlife Conservation Society of Chile. Ensayos is a collective research practice that brings together artists, scientists, and activists to conceptualize long-term, process-based projects focused on eco-cultural conservation work in Tierra del Fuego and other archipelagos. To date, Ensayos has given birth to a scent, a periodical, experimental performance, a podcast, a web series, and coming soon, a feature ethnofiction length film. I define my practice (which is entangled within Ensayos) as nomadic artistic research. I am not bound to a medium or discipline, but driven by eco-concerns that steer my methodologies and lead to unexpected results as I aim to contribute to the creation of biodiverse communities.
Since 2011, I have been experimenting with performance, creating solo and collaborative pieces dealing mostly with human and non-human health. What's He Building in There?, directed by Manuela Infante was developed during a residency at The Watermill Center in New York, followed by So.La, a dance piece that premiered at nadalokal in Vienna, then traveled to Gertrude Contemporary in Melbourne, Australia, CAGE in New York City, and finally, the Museo de la Solidaridad Salvador Allende (MSSA) in Santiago, Chile. Making Time: A Meth(odology) Lab, in collaboration with Amhara Raheem, was born out of an invitation by the Swedish artistic duo Golden+Senneby to be part of their Bootleg Retrospective at the Institute of Modern Art in Brisbane, Australia. Most recently, Transit in the House of Cancer with Ariel Bustamante, was commissioned by Catalina Insignares for El Caldo at Theaterhaus Gessnerallee in Zürich.
I hold a PhD in Curatorial Practice from Monash University, Australia (2019), a Master of Experiments in Arts and Politics from Science Po (2012), and an MA in Modern Art: Critical Studies from Columbia University (2004). I was a postdoctoral fellow at the Royal Art Institute in Stockholm as part of The Seedbox: An Environmental Humanities Collaboratory (2021). As Guest Curator of the Extended Research Project at the Patricia Phelps de Cisneros Research Institute for the Study of Art from Latin America at the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), I conceived of the Aconcagua Summit (2020).
My writing has been published in Third Text, Australian Feminist Studies, Discipline, The River Rail, Art+ Australia, and Kerb Journal, among others. I am co-author of Slow Down Fast, A Toda Raja with Cecilia Vicuña (Errant Bodies Press, 2019) and the forthcoming Cancer Ecologies: A Queer Femme Proposition (Bloomsbury 2025).
Curator, writer, performer, and researcher Camila Marambio describes how the peatlands inspired her to retire Ensayos, the eco-cultural research collective she founded 14 years ago.
More infoNaramata Centre, on syilx territory, in the Southern Interior region of British Columbia, Canada
FEELed Lab will be convening a summer camp-style week-long gathering. All campers will be part of a Pod, Interstitial Turbidity is one of them. Adopting a D.I.T. (Do-it-Together!) ethos, this gathering will offer a full and lively structured program, part creative retreat, part academic seminar, part skills-share, but all joy, we hope you can join us!
More infoMoMA, Mezzanine, Theater 3
The evening will feature interventions by writer Graciela Speranza; Denilson Baniwa, artist and member of the Baniwa people, who will be introduced by Julieta González, Head of Exhibitions at the Wexner Center for the Arts; and artist Naomi Rincón Gallardo introduced by Camila Marambio, Curator of New Perspectives at Para la Naturaleza, Puerto Rico.
More infoArchivo General de Puerto Rico
Premiere of the experimental film that collects portraits and self-portraits of its main ensayistas who mark with personal stories, music, images and illustrations the public and intimate milestones of a project that comes to an end after 13 years.
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Este coloquio pretende reflexionar sobre los modos de existencia de los diversos agentes que emergen de ecosistemas inéditos y entornos inestables, abordando la pregunta sobre nuestra capacidad para conceptualizar la irrupción de comunidades híbridas y confrontar nuevos enfoques sobre lo “vivo” según una lógica de perspectivas múltiples.
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Join us for the launch of the zine Raíz Común, there will be live storytelling by Melissa Carmody (Director Karukinka Park Tierra del Fuego, WCS-Chile), Carla Macchiavello (Art Historian, BMCC CUNY), Christy Gast (Artist) and Camila Marambio (Curator of New Perspectives, Para La Naturaleza, Borikén).
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En este episodio conversamos con la curadora Camila Marambio, cuyo accionar atraviesa disciplinas y prácticas como las humanidades ambientales, la conservación decolonial de la naturaleza, el arte contemporáneo, la escritura y la performatividad.
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Loss and Grief in Contemporary Bio- and Necropolitics, Netherlands Research School of Gender Studies
More infoConferencia: Camila Marambio
La cuerpa turbia es una cuerpa que no se comporta como debe. Que llora y ríe a la vez, que jamás es una y pocas veces dos, suma. Indivisible por fuera, adentro estalla en calor. Más muerta que viva es guardiana purulenta de las aguas.
More infoTidal Zones are real locations, the habitat of a multitude of organisms, and the home of seaweeds. It is a place that is neither land nor sea but constitutes a zone with its own specific relationships and living conditions.
More infoThe Biannual Gathering Of The Local-To-Global Peatland Accord Will Take Place In Torres Vedras, Portugal.
More info See on EnsayosThe lecture is accompanied by a scent invocation and textual contribution by artist agustine zegers, inviting peatlands from various corners of the world into the space.
More infoDrowning in a glass of water brings together a series of hydropoetic exercises to compose and decompose the knowledge of water with Vera Dvale, Joel "Yoyo" Rodriguez, Michy Marxuach, and Ariel Bustamante.
More infoSan Juan, Puerto Rico
Como parte del Devenir fluido: Arte y ecologías del agua en el archipiélago de Puerto Rico, Ciclo de encuentros públicos y conferencias con la curaduría: Chiara Sgaramella (Universitat Politècnica de València) y Vanessa Hernández Gracia.
More infoCurated by Camila Marambio and takes place in Mexico City July 29 through August 24. The program is developed with the support of Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) in coordination with Cultura UNAM, through Casa del Lago UNAM, Cátedra Extraordinaria Max Aub, and Museo Tamayo.
More infoAs part of the Conference – Resist, Persist: Gender, Climate and Colonialism RE/SISTERS Public Programme.
More infoTurba Tol Hol-Hol-the book is a compendium of the extensive eco-cultural thought of Latin American and Caribbean authors who center their attention on struggles, ways of doing, and experiences of care from the South.
More infoThe Residencia Para la Naturaleza program seeks to promote transformative experiences that combine science, art and nature by supporting artists in their research and creative processes.
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